Venue and Parking
Behold, the parking map!
The free parking zone is your best bet-- please leave the spots by the lodge for staff to unload!
If you’re Boston-based, we’re right across from the Porter Square T stop, and the 83, 77, and 96 Buses.
We’ll have check in available right as you enter, and signage pointing you up to our space. We’ll hold everyone on the 2nd floor until game on, and we’ll all go up to the “low town library” together.
We’ll be providing some snacks and drinks for players, but we do not have access to a kitchen to provide a full meal. Please consider this before you get to game! There’s a bunch of great, quick food options in the area, and a wonderful local eatery next door if you’re ready for a bite before or after game ends.
You are welcome to bring a dish or beverage to share with other players if you so choose, but it is not required. Please label your ingredients!
No alcohol at the venue, please.
If there is enough interest, we will hold a Kulvirstide food competition!
Opt out space & Intensity Levels
We’re going to be in a much tighter space than we’re used to, and there may be some conflicting feelings regarding what to do about the threats facing the still.
We’re asking everyone to operate with a greater awareness of your intensity levels for this event.
We don’t have much of an “outside” to take things to, as the hallway is a bit narrow, so if your conversation is getting heated, try to keep it within reason for an indoor space.
We will have decompression space available in the foyer of the 2nd floor available all game.
What the heck is Kulvirstide?
Loosely based on Christmas (and Allston Christmas, for our Bostonians), Kulvirstide is a combination gift giving and swap meet. It celebrates Kulvir the Host, one of the 5 mysterious patrons of Brightborough.
Kulvirstide originated in the poorest corners of low town, and gift giving is more sentimental than extravagant.
Gifts can be as simple as
small ribbon scraps
wooden beads
shiny pebbles
Or they can be thoughtful mementos for closer friends.
A gift could be swapped around many times, or given very personally.
Re-gifting is not considered rude.
You aren’t required to bring “gifts”, but we will set aside a time for gift giving for those who want to participate. “Gifts” can and in fact should, be small. We’ll bring a small assortment of trinkets and knick knacks to have on hand should anyone have a need mid-game, or if cost is an issue.
What’s plot going to be like?
Characters know they are attending a festival of Kulvir in the Low town Library.
Citizens in low town have set up a small celebration for the displaced “Water Treatment Facility” workers.
Game will begin with an opportunity for family meetings to discuss the lightfoot threat before the festivities begin.
These will be designed in a way to help recap the story so far to new players, while offering story progression and chance to work through what a response to last event’s tragedy might mean to their family.
Once the festivities start, you’ll be joined by a host of low town citizens, each with their own goals and secrets.
With close to a full 40 players and a tight timeline, we won’t be running individualized plots, but we hope you’ll meet and love the low towners and the challenges-- and well guarded secrets-- they might have.
We also encourage you to use this as an opportunity to play a game of pool or cards, and maybe negotiate some social scenes with each other.
Crafting and the Merchant
We’re going to try something new for indoor events to give you access to the goods, minus time consuming crafting or waiting in line for the book!
You will receive IMPs at the beginning of the event that will be roughly equal to what you could earn with your crafting in an average day, and when you enter the space, you’ll see an easily accessible MERCHANT stall, which will be stocked with an assortment of items that we feel are best suited to an indoor social event!
If you saved components with an item like Preservation vat, your components will be safe and sound until the next full crafting event. No need to purchase another at these events.
That’s all the logistics-- let us know if you have any questions on Slack, Facebook, or at attawaystaff@gmail.com